
BaltCoast is the acronym for a Baltic ICZM Project called “A systems Approach Framework for Coastal Research and Management in the Baltic”. This Project was developed to overcome the lack of a holistic approach which integrates different human activities with ecosystems capacity and environmental forcing, therefore, BaltCoast has the ultimate objective of developing a coherent and systematic management approach that encompasses multiple impacts in a spatially heterogeneous context, by using Systems Approach Framework (SAF) as a tool to be applied through case studies that reflect current regional management challenges and develop a generic tool for integrated system assessment.

Tasks of the EUCC-Germany: support of the case study Szczecin Lagoon, communication and public relations

Duration: 2015 through 2018

Funding Partner: EU (BONUS)

files/eucc_images/img/projekte/Foerderer/Logo_ bonus_medium.jpg    files/eucc_images/img/projekte/Foerderer/EU_logo_new.jpg

BONUS BALTCOAST project has received funding from BONUS (Art 185), funded jointly by the EU and Baltic Sea national funding institutions.

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