Coastline Reports 5 (2005)

B. Heinrichs, A. Schultz-Zehden and S. Toben (eds.) : The INTERREG IIIB BaltCoast Project
A pilot initiative on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea (2002-2005)
For ordering Coastline Reports 6 (25 Euro including postage, 15 Euro for members of EUCC Germany) please send an E-Mail with your addresses for delivery and invoice to:
The complete report can be downloaded as an Acrobat PDF-file:
B. Heinrichs, A. Schultz-Zehden and S. Toben (Editors): The INTERREG IIIB BaltCoast Project
A pilot initiative on Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea (2002-2005), Coastline Reports 5 (2005), ISSN 0928-2734. (PDF-file, 711 KB)
Furthermore, you can download the map: Offshore uses (PDF-file, 1.19 MB)