Politik: Europäische und globale Entwicklungen

ICES reports on the implementation of the Baltic Sea Multiannual Plan

ICES published an advice to the EC on the effects of fisheries on the ecosystem in the Baltic and which factors other than fisheries are affecting the fish stocks.

Contamination of European seas continues despite some positive progress

The EEA report shows that all seven objectives of international policy objectives related to contamination are unlikely to be met by 2020-2021.

European Commission launches new tool to strengthen EU’s fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing

Only fishery products from legal catches can enter the EU market. The new digital certification tool ‘Catch’ will be less open to fraud than the current paper-based system.

UNEA fordert weltweite Abkehr von Wegwerfgesellschaft

Nachhaltigere Lebensstile und Produktionsweisen standen im Zentrum der diesjährigen UN-Umweltversammlung.

The update of the Baltic Sea Action plan takes another concrete step

The HELCOM launches two central initiatives, the ACTION project and the HELCOM Platform on Sufficiency of Measures.

Wie der schlechte Zustand der Welt­meere ver­bessert wer­den kann

Im Rahmen eines öffentlichen Fachgespräches zum Thema „Ocean Governance – Schutz der Weltmeere“ tauschten sich Sachverständige mit Mitgliedern des Ausschusses für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit aus.

EU fails to show leadership on marine conservation with weak plan for Atlantic fisheries

European Parliament shows lack of ambition on protection of essential fish habitats and management of bycatch stocks.

ECHA proposes to restrict intentionally added microplastics

The agricultural sector has been identified as being the biggest source of microplastics entering the environment. European Chemicals Agency says that EU wide restrictions are fully justified.

Evaluation of the European Fishery Statistics

A public consultation addressed to individual citizens, professional users, producers and other stakeholders of European fisheries statistics is running until April 12th.